Beware of Email Scam
Important Notice: Beware of Email Scams
DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP would like to alert our clients and the public of a phishing email sent from a spoofed official DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP email address (“”) or other similar address. The phishing email requests the recipients to transfer funds to a spoofed bank account under the name of “DE HENG ESCROW LIMITED 德恒託管有限公司”.
Our firm has no association with this phishing email or the fraudulent bank account mentioned.
Safeguarding our clients’ interests is paramount to us and we take this matter very seriously. All official emails from our firm will originate from addresses ending with “” and we will not copy our email to other unknown email addresses. The name of our firm’s bank account is “DEHENG LAW OFFICES (HONG KONG) LLP” and we do not operate any other bank accounts under different names nor open any bank account in any jurisdictions other than in Hong Kong. If you receive any email or payment instructions purportedly from our firm, please verify the sender’s identity by contacting the purported sender via phone and email using the contact details available at our official website (
Please also note that we do not offer any escrow services.
If you have any doubts or suspect fraudulent activity, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” of the Hong Kong Police Force or contact us at (852) 3916 3333.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Phishing email
DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP would like to alert our clients and the public of a phishing email sent from a spoofed official DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP email address (“”). The phishing email may request the recipients to click a reply button or open certain attachment.
We would like to remind our clients that our firm has no connection with the phishing email involved. The format of our firm’s email address is “”. Please check the email address of the sender carefully when you receive any email from our firm. If you receive any suspected phishing email or any email from a similar spoofed email address, please do not click any buttons/links or open any attachments.
The details of the phishing email are as follows:
Date of phishing email : 27 July 2023
Alleged Sender : Frederick Tai
Type of the Scam : Phishing Emails - Frederick Tai <fredericktai@>
Please CLICK HERE as a screenshot of the phishing email
Please refer to the latest updates on our website:
Should you have any enquiries, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” of the Hong Kong Police Force or contact us at (852) 3916 3333.
Phishing email
DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP would like to alert our clients and the public of a phishing email sent from a spoofed official Chungs Lawyers email address (“”). The phishing email may request the recipients to click a reply button or open certain attachment.
We would like to remind our clients that our firm has no connection with the phishing email involved. The format of our firm’s email address is “”. Please check the email address of the sender carefully when you receive any email from our firm. If you receive any suspected phishing email or any email from a similar spoofed email address, please do not click any buttons/links or open any attachments.
The details of the phishing email are as follows:
Date of phishing email : 7 Dec 2022
Alleged Sender : Chungs Lawyers in association with DeHeng Law Offices - Vivian Wang
Type of the Scam : Phishing Emails - Vivian Wang <vivianwang@>
Please CLICK HERE as a screenshot of the phishing email
Please refer to the latest updates on our website:
Should you have any enquiries, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” of the Hong Kong Police Force or contact us at (852) 3916 3333.
香港- 大湾区最新政策
·香港OFC 基金的近况及申请注册及政府津贴时需注意事宜
香港SPAC 动态
德恒香港资讯特刊 | 2020年9月|总第二期
于2020 年8 月31 日实施的《有限合伙基金条例》(第637 章)正为于香港成立的私募基金提供一个更合适的法律框架和架构。该条例建立新的有限合伙基金制度,让私人基金可在香港以有限责任合伙的形式注册。条例实施后,基金管理人可以选择在香港以有限合伙形式设立的基金。
德恒香港资讯特刊 | 2020年9月|总第二期
于2020 年8 月31 日实施的《有限合伙基金条例》(第637 章)正为于香港成立的私募基金提供一个更合适的法律框架和架构。该条例建立新的有限合伙基金制度,让私人基金可在香港以有限责任合伙的形式注册。条例实施后,基金管理人可以选择在香港以有限合伙形式设立的基金。